The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32891   Message #436336
Posted By: Bedubya
09-Apr-01 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: Tuners Revisited
Subject: RE: Tuners Revisited

Over the last thirty years I have spent a fair number of hours at folk and bluegrass festivals, wandering from session to session with guitar in hand. Years ago, walking up on a new session involved spending several minutes retuning to whatever variation of "standard" tuning that session had arbitrarilly decided on. The big advantage of electronic tuners is that you can wander the whole damned campground and walk up to any session in progress and just start playing with them! Amazing!

Also, electronic tuners allow you to get severely f*****d up without having to ask your friend to tune your guitar for you. If you can still read, you can tune (though not necessarilly play).

BTW the Intellitouch is by far the most popular tuner among parking-lot pickers because it's the hardest one to lose. Sabine stick-ons DON'T always stick. Intellitouches DO always clamp. Unless you ram the headstock of your guitar into a tree and break the tuner (and probably the headstock as well) off, it's not going anywhere.

