The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32969   Message #436515
Posted By: Jande
09-Apr-01 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Creative Procrastination...?
Subject: Creative Procrastination...?
Ahhh.. yes. Well... I've just spent the last four hours and really the last week I suppose... putting off re-recording the songs that I put up on a couple of weeks ago that had bloody orful quality. I find myself doing the most trivial things, like {{shudder}} the dishes! Rather than get on with it, though I reallywant and need to get them done. Here I am starting another fah-has-cinating thread on Mudcat probably as another way to spend my time rather than on that which I need to work. ::grin::

The reason there is a question mark up there on the Subject line of this thread is that I was wondering

a) IF you do...?


b) WHEN you do...?


c) HOW do you... finally get yourself to work on the thing you've been procrastinating?

Any hints or tips will be considered seriously..


~ Jande