The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32978   Message #436942
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
09-Apr-01 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: 12 reasons camels are better than llamas
Subject: RE: 12 reasons camels are better than llamas
Being a pedant ( or at least I think that's what they called me! ), I must interject that technically the Llama is just one of two domesticated varieties of the Guanaco. The Guanaco is (I believe - according to books I have perused) one of two South American species of camel, the other being the Vicuna.
That said, I think it has a much better ring to be A LLama FFarmer.
When a camel driver was asked how he made his camels run fast, hesaid "take two half bricks and smash them together on it's ggoolies". When people asked "Isn't it painful" the camel driver replied "Only if you get your thumbs caught between the bricks!"