The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32978   Message #436999
Posted By: Bill D
09-Apr-01 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: 12 reasons camels are better than llamas
Subject: RE: 12 reasons camels are better than llamas
a new commandant in the Foreign a desert outpost...He has been there for several weeks, and he is feeling 'lonely'. So he quietly asks his top sergant, "Tell me, don't you all get pretty...ummm..lonely out here with no wives, no girlfriends..etc.? How do you handle the ummm...'pressure'?"

"Oh, no sir," says the sergant, "not as long as we've old Bessie there!" and he points to a camel tied behind the barrack...with a stepladder leaning on the fence beside her.

"Sergant! I am shocked!", says the Commandant! "That's disgusting!"

"But, sir...", says the sergant..

"Never mind" says the huffy officer,"I don't want to hear any more of this! I will just endure!"

So...a few more weeks go by, and he is biting his nails and pacing, and as he looks out, old Bessie doesn't look nearly as bad.....and one dark night he decides he can't stand it any longer, so he goes out, gets the stepladder and places it where he thinks is convenient and climbs up.........and in a minute or so, there is a WILD commotion and the sergant comes running to see what has old Bessie so upset...and there is his commandant, flagrante delecto....

" can't...that's dangerous!"

"Well, YOU told me that when the men are lonely, old Bessie was the answer!"

"Yes, sir....but the men use her to ride to TOWN!"