The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32992   Message #437093
Posted By: Sorcha
10-Apr-01 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Glossop
Subject: RE: Glossop
I know I'm bad,
It's so sad,
I love glossup
It's a tossup

Is it a lie?
You can't tell, how can I
Said the Cop
To the perpetrators' sop

My very best friend is a lawyers wife,
She tries to understand a Cops' wifes' life
I try to understand her Honey's,
But it all comes down to who has moneies.

(I know I'm bad, it's so sad, etc.)

Small towns run on glossup,
What's really true is such a toss up
If you got the bucks,
You got the lucks.


Lawyers wives and cops'es spouses,
What a kick when hubbies are on the outses
What a great chase,
When they're on the same case

It's so sad, it's a toss up,
We love glossup.
We know we're bad,
It's so sad.

Well, hey, I know it's bad, but it's true, too. It might have been better if I hadn't hit the clear entries button instead of the submit a while ago. I had to do it all over again, and part of it is not the same. Feel free to add/change/delete.

She and I are best friends and do enjoy the ironies of the relationship, tho. It gets quite funny on occasion.