The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32815   Message #437633
Posted By: BeauDangles
10-Apr-01 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: Songs for a Broken Heart
Subject: RE: BS: Songs for a Broken Heart
Just checking back in after a few days absence, and I found all of theses wonderful sentiments. It occurs to me, there must be as many ways to feel about this type of situation as there are people who go thru it. I have felt many of these emotions since this whole sh*tty process began. I find myself stuck in a situation where I really want to communiate to her what I am feeling (sadness, anger, a desire to have her back)--anything but to stuff my feelings, which has been a bad habit I acquired--but to do so will make me appear weak, and will send her running for the hills; OR, conversely, I can mask my emotions, at least around her, and act as if I am okay and moving on. This will make her feel better about the situation, and might conceivably have the effect of giving her time to realize how much she misses being in a relationship with me, and thereby preserve the possibility, however unlikely, that we might eventually end up together. The problem with that is that acting that way around her makes me resent her all the more, and makes me LESS inclined to get back together with her--it makes me feel like the love I had for her is eroding. I don't know, maybe that's what I need. Catch 22.

Anyways, thanks all for the good vibes. I guess I will get over this the only way I can; one day at a time.

Life's a bitch, and then she dumps you, eh?
