The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33037   Message #438330
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Apr-01 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: I've posted my last song on Mudcat
Subject: RE: I've posted my last song on Mudcat
(*&%&* )(*^*(&%*& (*&()*)(*^ )_(&()*&()*^ B(*&()*^()^& ()*&(*&*&*&( (*(*)&()*&(*&*)(& (*&(*&()*&()*& (*(*&)

There, now I feel beer TOO.

John H, e-mail me anything you want done that you can't do. I am a learner but I can do it.

RANT ON, I don't do this often, and DAMMIT HERE I GO!

CH, yer just being a poohead! If you have a file of 200 - 300 songs, send them to someone who will be a better steward of them! Me! I'll post them ALL! Just cuz yer being so SILLY! I'll take out a new membership called CH's Secretary! And recruit a crew to help me and give them the password to post as CH's Secretary!

RANT OFF... Maybe!
