The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33037 Message #438388
Posted By: IvanB
11-Apr-01 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: I've posted my last song on Mudcat
Subject: RE: I've posted my last song on Mudcat
Well, Clinton, let's see here: you've offered to let us know if you've a song you think others would like, and. if we PM you with our email addy, you'll send us an email with the lyrics. So, as I see it, if 100 people PM you for the lyrics, you'll open your Personal Page some number of times (assuming all the requests won't come in one session online) to read them, you'll open your email program the same number of times, type in 100 email addresses, either cut and paste or attach the lyrics to 100 pieces of email and send. And all this has saved you the trouble of entering 20 or 30 line breaks? Somehow I don't see the economy of it. And, remember, once you post the offer, it's here for the foreseeable future at least, so you'd better keep all your offered lyrics where they can be easily found so you can fulfill requests 2 or 3 years down the road.
Yeah, HTML probably ain't the best thing to ever come down the pike. But I also know from experience that when you make a change such as going to plaintext in the forum instead of html, you're probably going to be introducing a host of other problems which will need solving. So I doubt that it's just Max's recalcitrance (as you seem to think) that's keeping the MC Forum in html format. And a number of posters have offered to format the stuff for you, which would involve just one email as opposed to possibly hundreds - so what's the beef?