The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33037   Message #438508
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
11-Apr-01 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: I've posted my last song on Mudcat
Subject: RE: I've posted my last song on Mudcat
All the HTML I've learnt has been because I need it for Mudcat. And I see that as a very useful bonus for coming here.

As has been pointed out, it's not at all hard to fiddle around with programs like Word, and get whatever you want to post into whatever shape you want to post it, and just copy it across.

The beauty of the Mudcat is its simplicity and flexibility where it matters, far better than any other place I've come across, even the ones with more bells and whistles. Sticking in an improvement here and a modification here would put that at risk. I'd far sooner put up with having to work a tiny bit harder posting things sometimes, and learning useful stuff in the process of getting round the limitations and restrictions. (For example finding a program which has enabled me to spellcheck my posts.)

I'm increasing coming to agree with the view that any change that isn't necessary should be resisted. Long live King Lud.