The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33063   Message #438517
Posted By: Sorcha
11-Apr-01 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Transatlantic Idioms
Subject: RE: BS: Transatlantic Idioms
Ahh, shades of Ghallagher!! Around here, (way out West in US of A) "trousers" is only used if you are buying a suit or renting (hiring) a Tux. Otherwise, it's pants,slacks, or jeans. We never use "denims" to mean jeans pants. "Denims" and "Leathers" imply that you are dressed head to toe in that specific item implied.

I guess I have read too many British novels, because I have always used "braces" instead of "suspenders". Mind you, we have fancy elastic suspenders with alligator clips instead of button loops, and if you want brace buttons on your trousers, you'll probably have t sew them on yourself. Fancy meaning, wide rainbow stripes; red, white and blue with stars, etc. We also have the more sedate plain, narrow blue/brown/black with button loops but you have to look harder for them.

"Knickers" is becoming more common everywhere in the US. Of course, sometimes it still means "plus fours" or pants that stop just below the knee.... As a result of (probably)way too much Mudcatting, I now use "bonnet" and "boot" more than "hood" and "trunk". Come to think of it, British novels and Mudcat are also responsible for my asking the bartender to "pull me a pint".........ain't international communication wonderful?!!