The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33037   Message #438536
Posted By: Bill D
11-Apr-01 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: I've posted my last song on Mudcat
Subject: RE: I've posted my last song on Mudcat
piffle!...I am an old coot who never heard of HTML and used computers till 5 years ago, and I can post a song or put chord notation in!...takes very little practice and only a few bits of HTML to deal with it all.

You can't expect to be spoon-fed everything, Clinton...if you don't want to do the 'basics', I suppose we'll just have to survive on the 8000+ songs we already have......

sorry, just my opinion.....(I can drive a stick shift car too, and program a VCR)

(and re:SD, I have fixed it. To do what you tried, you need to type <br> JoeClone.

all you need to *display* HTML instead of executing it is THIS LITTLE PROGRAM