The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33037   Message #438637
Posted By: Burke
11-Apr-01 - 09:07 PM
Thread Name: I've posted my last song on Mudcat
Subject: RE: I've posted my last song on Mudcat
A little confused here. CH said If I could copy and paste the way the rest of the net works, Hell... I'd be tempted to post the 200-300 songs I have on this beast... Just to add 'em to the Database...; but when an offer was made to help with same was made ...

Oh I get it, hyperbole.

When you hit enter twice, you do get the paragraphs. It's been that way as long as I've been here. You need the br line endings so your verses aren't double spaced.

Have you ever copied text from a web page to some text editor & gone nuts getting rid of all the line breaks & leading spaces? Or ended up with all those long line, short line email messages because of quotes? I don't post a lot of lyrics here, but I've lost track of how much time I spend in personal word processing on messing with that stuff that copies just as it was on the page. I know how to save a text, but if there's just a little text, it's a real pain.

I guess my point is a bit like Bert's. There are tradeoffs. Knowing how Mudcat works, I don't have to bother getting rid of some big spaces from copy&paste that I can see as I post in that quote above because I know they will close up. I do have to put other formatting stuff in.