The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33099 Message #439004
Posted By: Peter T.
12-Apr-01 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did They Change the National Anthem?
Subject: RE: BS: Did They Change the National Anthem?
Well, as a Canadian I always have mixed feelings at baseball games standing up for the American anthem. The only saving grace is that it is about bombing the crap out of an American fort, which is always worth stretching one's legs for. No one in Canada knows the Canadian anthem any more because they keep changing the words. "Press Lords Save the Queen and other members of the Royal Family" might be better for Britain. The best anthem is La Marseillaise. One always feels like a French revolutionary for about two minutes, or that woman in Casablanca strumming her guitar (why didn't Paul Henreid go off with her?). Does the Lee Grenwood song have any words that require people to stand up?