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Thread #33127   Message #439519
Posted By: sara_grl
13-Apr-01 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: That's Mister .com
Subject: That's Mister .com
This was posted on CNN's website and just found it very humorous!

Israeli Internet geek adopts name of his Web site
April 10, 2001
Web posted at: 4:39 PM EDT (2039 GMT)

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Taking an Internet obsession to its logical conclusion, an Israeli has changed his name, replacing it with his Web site address, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

The former Tomer Krrissi, 25, who works for a hi-tech company, claims to be the first person in the world to call himself ".com," and hopes to be listed in the Guinness Book of Records, he told the daily Maariv. His claim could not be verified.

His name is now the same as the Internet address of his personal Web site:

At first the Israeli Interior Ministry rejected his application, claiming that a name cannot include punctuation marks, .com said. But he and a young lawyer friend studied the Names Law and found that there was no such provision, so the officials backed down.

A photograph of .com's new Israeli passport appeared in the paper, with the entry ".COM (KRRISSI)," under "family name."

"I'm sure the idea will catch on and cross international borders," .com told the paper. "People who don't use the Internet think what I have done is just a gimmick, but the Internet changed my life. It opened up my head."