The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33080   Message #439578
Posted By: mousethief
13-Apr-01 - 02:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush--A little credit please?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush--A little credit please?
What are you doing agreeing with us? Trying to "Spaw" us? Maybe you should re-think this one.

Truth of the matter, MAV, is that you really don't know what I believe. I tried to tell you this once but you rudely told me I was wrong.

I believe what I believe on a number of issues. On some things I am considered by those left-of-center to be a flaming Fascist. On others I am considered by those right-of-center to be a marxist, or worse. In fact I don't believe in the platform of any party in this country, nor am I a member of any party. I don't march to any party line.

Your use of the term "us" here makes me think you do.

There you go again, NAMECALLING and lecturing others on.... "Politeness"?

We can both play the "imagine YOU telling someone they're being rude!" game until the cows came home. Fact is you have alienated a huge number of people on this list by your brusque manner and rudeness. I have not. In the few cases where I really got under somebody's collar, I have done what I could to find out where I goofed up, and apologized.

On the other hand I have given up ever expecting you to apologize for the things you have done which I found unspeakably rude and offensive, even though I have pointed them out and asked for an apology.

You continue to be rude to me at every turn, even in threads where you are talking about treating me with respect and expecting the same in return and all that rot. Apparently a leopard CAN'T change its spots. Don't expect me to hold my heart in my hands waiting for you to be nice. I wipe my feet.

It is not a "spy plane" and it drives me nuts when the press has been calling it such. If they can't tell the difference between spying and surveillance, they should get jobs at the local Cinemaplex or something.


Which word here is bothering you? I could define them all for you, but that's a horrible waste of time for me, and quite dull. I suggest you go to an online dictionary like and look them up yourself.

. The final non-apologetic apology that secured the release of our boys and girl was a masterful piece of diplomatic baloney. Three cheers to whoever in the Bush administration thought it up.


These words are even smaller. Where did you go to school?

Oh, by the way, I stand corrected; I had somewhere picked up the idea it was 23 men and 1 woman, whereas it was 21 men and 3 women. Thus the above should read "boys and girls".

If we have any wild space left in this country in 4 years, it certainly won't be because Bush hasn't tried to (allow his Corporate sponsors to) rape, pave, or drill it.

Looks like most of the raping and drilling in the last eight years has been in the White House.

Again your usual (boring) tactic of not answering the issue, but dragging in something totally unrelated.

Apparently my going through your posts point-by-point impresses you (you said I was getting less offensive and more argumentative); but it's all the same old shinola so it hardly seems worth the time to go through it point-by-point. Still, if that's what it takes, I'll do my part.

You arch-conservatives are too funny. You want to lump everybody to your left into a huge cesspool, and complain if we don't give your side any credit, while all the while not giving our side any credit at all, and saying asinine things like "anything the democrats do must be wrong." So much so that when we (the people to your left) agree with you on ANYTHING it takes your vocabulary away. We're obviously not as narrow-minded as you are, and it nearly blows you away to discover it.

Bonus question: How many Democrats broke ranks in the last vote in the Senate? How many Republicans? Answer: far more D's than R's. Who's following the party line? Who has marching orders? Bush's getting anything passed in a 50-50 Senate is proof positive that the Democrats are less party-conscious than the Republicans. Spin that.
