The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33132   Message #439582
Posted By: GUEST,Brían
13-Apr-01 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: Help: Where do fadas come from?
Subject: Where do fadas come from?
I am embarassed to admit that most of what I learned about the Irish language I learned from books instead of the streets like everybody else. To make matters worse, my parents never told me about fadas, the never used them, I suppose(There were 4 or 5 of us the last I counted). I managed to borrow some from www.daltaí.com(They probably won't miss them, being more experienced than me). I was told by someone in another thread that if you hit ctl&alt at the same time, you can get all the fadas you need, but I think that was just an urban folk-tale because nothing happened for me. Do you folks all have social conditioning I lacked in early development? Am I missing something or all you folks struggling with cut & paste the same as me? Táim an-bhuíoch d'aon duine ar bith go bhfuil eolas acu faoin fadhb seo. Slá n go fóill.