The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33099   Message #439593
Posted By: mousethief
13-Apr-01 - 02:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did They Change the National Anthem?
Subject: RE: BS: Did They Change the National Anthem?
The only saving grace is that it is about bombing the crap out of an American fort, which is always worth stretching one's legs for.

Funny line, Peter T! Made me laugh out loud, anyway.

Americans are funny about their flag. It's just part of our national culture (yes, we do have one!). We don't bow to the king, so we stand for the flag. Works for me.

I will always stand for the SSB, in part out of respect for the military men and women who have (in part, anyway) made it possible for me to have such a cushy life in this relatively free country.
