The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33132   Message #439664
Posted By: Big Mick
13-Apr-01 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: Help: Where do fadas come from?
Subject: RE: Help: Where do fadas come from?
This comment presumes that you use Windows. All you need to do to get fadas is the following. Click Start, then Settings, then open Control Panel. Next click on Keyboard and when the popup opens, click on the language tab. Click the Add button, then select English (Ireland). This does not replace your current language, it simply adds it as an option. When you want to type a fada, simply go to the bottom tray on your desktop. Look to the right and you will see icons, and one of them will be En. This is your language icon. Click it and a popup will appear that will have your current language highlighted and also will show the English (Ireland) option. Click on the Ireland option and you are set to go. All you have to do is hold down the alt button while you type the letter and voíla, you have a fada. You can change it for one letter or leave it on and it will be on until you reboot. Your normal keyboard configuration will be back once you change it or reboot in which case your defaults take over. The only thing to remember is that the Irish keyboard has certain keys that are different. The letters are the same, but, for example, the @ and the " are reversed. Só typé áwáy ánd hávé nó féár of fádás.

All the best,
