The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33080   Message #440146
Posted By: mousethief
13-Apr-01 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush--A little credit please?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush--A little credit please?
No, (I'm sorry) I told you I knew what you felt.(I know how you're feeling about this comment).

No, you don't. And it is rude to suggest you do.

As far as we (American conservatives)are concerned, fascist, marxist, stalinist, whatever, all authoritarianism is the domain of the left.

Of course, because you can't see anything negative on the right, so if it's bad, it must be on the left. Makes perfect sense, from a blinders-on point of view, such as you have shown yourself to have on this forum.

In fact I don't believe in the platform of any party in this country, nor am I a member of any party. I don't march to any party line

Well ain't you sumthin'. You may have a few patriotic brain cells, but my guess is that you are waaaaaay over there <-!!!!

The wise do not speak where they are ignorant.

Your use of the term "us" here makes me think you do

Yeah, I guess you could say I'm pro-life libertarian-type Republican(I'm sorry)

I'd rather you were a thinker. But it's your choice.

Look, except in my salutations, calling you specifically Thief, Ratnapper, Abductor of diseased laboratory rodents and other silly tortured versions of your screen name, I HAVE NOT CALLED YOU OR ANYONE ELSE, A MORON, IDIOT OR ANY VULGAR NAME OR USED "SCATOLOGICAL" REFERENCES LIKE YOU HAVE!

Yes, and I still seem to have more people rooting for me. Fact is, and listen closely, you can be rude, and nasty, and completely obnoxious WITHOUT EVER USING SUCH WORDS. The fact that somebody uses such words may mean they're just easily excitable (guilty as charged). You appear to be pretty cool-headed. Oh well, guess you got the better genes. Congratulations. That and $4 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbuck's.

If those people have been bashing conservatives they deserve to be "alienated", if they are self professed enemies of the Constitution....I'm sorry.

We have absolutely NO self-professed enemies of the constitution on Mudcat. Unless you're using "self-professed" to mean something other than what it literally means (e.g. it's obvious they're enemies of the contitution from the positions they hold, even if they didn't really say "I am an enemy of the constitution").

I'll have to finish this later; time to go to church.

ciao for now,
