The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33174   Message #440378
Posted By: Mr Red
14-Apr-01 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: active mind for better quality of life
Subject: active mind for better quality of life
According to Dr Andrew Weil on the Larry King show on CNN this week, degenerative brain diseases like alzheimers have less occurrence, are less severe &/or later onset among the groups regarded as having a more active mind.
I see this first hand with a family friend, May, who had been an assertive business woman all her working life. At 85 she hobbles around on her selection of zimmer frames and stair lift, whimpering with pain at each step. She sits watching Countdown (up market TV word/numbers quiz game) and gets the numbers 50% of the time and bigger words than me and the contestants often.
The bad news is I have perfect excuse for my puns & (t)witicisms.
I walk to work and sing for relaxation. (caveat-- eunuchs apparently do live longer, statistically, but that won't alter that department)

What are other mudcatters doing in hopes of a long rewarding life?
As Uby Blake (& others) said if I knew I was going to last this long (100?) I would have taken better care of myself.