The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33051   Message #440541
Posted By: GUEST,#1
14-Apr-01 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: MC.Personalities. Cyber, & in the flesh.
Subject: RE: MC.Personalities. Cyber, & in the flesh.
I want to see frivolous and irresponsible postings eliminated from the Mudcat Forum. The only way this ever seems to work well is to make (real) return email addresses of the poster made available. Every other newsgroup, single clicks in your News on your browser, to subscription newsgroups. I discovered that someone (unknown to me) even subscribed me to a subscription newsgroup, something I didn't know one could do.

The return email address puts the poster in position for anyone to copy the email address to use for flaming or spaming. How can one avoid that? I gave one suggestion above, but I don't know enough about software for servers to be sure that it is workable.

I long ago figured out about irresponsible posting, that if you can't beat them, join them, and make it so bad that Max will have to face the problem and do something about it. You can be very sure that Max (and a lot of others know who I am). You don't see everything regarding the posts in the dinky headings available on this Forum.