The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33080   Message #440763
Posted By: MAV
14-Apr-01 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush--A little credit please?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush--A little credit please?
Hey Mouse,

I think we broke the html thingies. I noticed both yours and my posts bold and italics are wierding out.

Well, I know mine are not doing what I put in there.

Look, we disagree and have different styles, I don't like being called names and you don't like being power insulted.

I have, and do, and will. You don't, and haven't, and presumably won't apologize for your rudeness, arrogant assumption of knowledge of others' internal states

Ok, we'll call a truce.

and any other number of offenses against human kindness

Let's not get crazy here. I don't remember doing that.

I will cease and desist

You are none of the things I allegedly called you.

You however need to reciprocate and tell me what I did call you.

I do, however, intend to continue debating with you unless you insist on posting things I agree with, which really p!$$e$ me off.

Alright, back to work Ralph.

This proves nothing. Who were they? What do they support? How will they want him to behave in office?

They are Republican voters solicited for hard money contributions from all over the US. The fact that they gave him money shows that they agreed with his campaign positions which were published in paperback form.

Um, saying "sorry" immediately after being rude is hardly polite

I was trying to use that "apology" trick that worked on the Chinese...didn't fool you huh?

Who's following the party line?

We don't have a history of it. We don't have a party of conservatives as I tried to point out to Naemonson.

I think it's a miracle when it does happen.

The democrats have diversity, but very few or no conservatives among their ranks. If they are there, you'll never know about it.(except of course Traficant)

All politicians lie

Please don't paint things with the broad brush. That can't be a true statement.

They may not paint PRO-LIFE on their foreheads, but not vomiting their every personal belief on the often dispassionate voters is not lying.

I defended Clinton? When was that?

Well, you identified yourself with the left. The democrats are most of the left. There's the Green Party and a few others, but the democrats pretty much saturated with those on the left.

Nicely capitalized.

Thank you. (go ahead and say it)

If MS broke them, and Clinton enforced them, more power to him

That's a big "if", I think the government schools and post office fit the "monopoly" moniker much better.

The schools are forced to do a thousand and one federally-mandated things, but without federally-supplied funding.

An excellent argument against the Dept of Ed.

Note that I think property taxes are abhorrent

There you go again...stating something I agree with....stop it now.

The only tax I would have, if I ran the zoo, is income tax. Heavily progressive, of course

Well that's more like it. I have two much better ideas on taxation. Would you like to argue them?

I was not a Republicrat before this election

Sounds kinda Libertarian in here at the moment.

Your turn

mav out

PS. If you don't tell me what I allegedly called you, I will go back to calling you that.(if I can figure out what it was).