The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33214   Message #441272
Posted By: toadfrog
15-Apr-01 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Children Sold into Slavery at Sea
Subject: RE: Children Sold into Slavery at Sea
The children are from Benin.

They are being sold in other, neigboring countries. There is no outrage because
(1) There is nothing obvious we can do about it. It is engrained not only in local poverty, but in local custom. The U.N. official I heard discussing this remarked that it makes no obvious sense to arrest the people who buy the children, or the children themselves. Also that there are people engaged in trying to find the children and get them back home. Of course, they are trying to arrest the slavers. Think about it. Governments aren't that powerful, and neither is the U.N.

2. Think about it. They have slaves in Mali. Not only is it against the law in Mali, it has been made against the law four separate times. They have slaves in Sudan. Songs don't help situations like that. It requires actual physical power, and it requires also a change in the customs and beliefs of people in those countries.

3. We in the U.S. cannot even stop smuggling of immigrants here,some of whom are brought and kept under conditions tantamount to slavery. That has been in the news too. That happens right here in California. How are we going to police the coast of Africa?