The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7269   Message #44223
Posted By: Dan Keding
04-Nov-98 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: River Songs
Hope this is what you were looking for.

The Rivers of Wisconsin

I've crossed the broad Flambeau, I've forded the Fox
I swum the Red Cedar, I followed the Black
Sugar is muddy, the St. Croix is clear
Down by the Eau Claire I courted my dear.

Li la li lee la lee give me your hand (3x)
There's many a river that waters our land.

The sweet Chippewa it runs glossy and gliding
The crooked Rock River runs weaving and winding
The old Wisconsin courses the plain
I never will walk by the Eau Claire again.

She hugged me she kissed me she called me her dandy
The Wolf is rocky the Plover is sandy
She hugged me she kissed me she called me her own
Down by the Eau Claire she left me a lone.

The girls of the Pestigo they're fair and they're pretty
The Big Rib and Yellow have many a beauty
The Kickapoo flows swiftly passed girls by the score
So down by the Eau Claire I'll wander no more.

All I did was put in Wisconsin rivers and change a word here or there. Let people know I had something to do with it and its all yours.
