The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32518   Message #442482
Posted By: CamiSu
17-Apr-01 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: In Memoriam for Many
Subject: RE: In Memoriam for Many
Some time after a friend's mom and my dad had passed on, we were talking, and agreed that while the pain did not seem to lessen, it did hit with less frequency as time moved on. And since I do not believe death is an end, I am helped by the thought of those gone before, living and learning in a different room, ass it were.

That said, I do not think that I could stand to lose a child. I came very close when my (then 5 year old)son was buried under a stack of green lumber at a sawmill. The sight when we pulled the lumber off of him haunts me still. I literally shake, and he is alive, and for the most part, undamaged. James, my heart goes out to you especially.

To all I send love, sympathy, and support. I think it is the only way we get through this world. It's pretty scary to think of having to do it all alone. I have a fairly small group of friends, but I tell you, one hug at the right time is helpful beyond words, and the memory of those hugs is a great support when you are apparently alone.

Nathan, thanks for resurrecting this. It came along when I was away. (At least, mentally)
