The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33246   Message #442667
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
17-Apr-01 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Some Sweet Justice Against the KKK
Subject: RE: BS: Some Sweet Justice Against the KKK
Claymore said, in part:

Religion- with the rise of the Christian Identity Movement, which believes that the Lost Tribe of Israel, was really a group of Anglo-Saxons who made it to America before the Asian "Indians" crossed the Bering Strait (a view which got a helluva boost recently, with the discovery of the Kennibuck Man skeleton and the Farmville, VA sites, pointing to the existence of a an earlier European "Native American" civilization 5 thousand years before the Asians crossed).

Since the earliest physical remains of what I'll call proto-Indian people in the United States is the recent (2, 3 years?) discovery in what is now the State of Mississippi, reliably dated as 16,000 years ago, just shortly after the presumptive crossing over the Bering land bridge, Claymore's "European native American" people must have been here 21,000 years ago! I sure would like to see some authority for that!

Dave Oesterreich