The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33288   Message #442707
Posted By: mousethief
17-Apr-01 - 02:18 PM
Thread Name: Timothy McVeigh
Subject: RE: Timothy McVeigh
One can believe war is a necessary evil, for self-preservation, without believing people are disposable.

Locking somebody away in solitary for the rest of their life deters their committing any future murders, too, and doesn't send the message that taking a human life is okay.

Killing somebody who is threatening your life, or the lives of your family, does not imply that you think people are disposable. If it's between him or my daughter, it's going to be him. He is the one that set up the dichotomy; I am merely doing what is necessary to protect my child, as is my responsibility as a parent.

Coming back later, after the damage is already done, and taking yet another life is quite a different matter. Apples and oranges, my good man.
