The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33288   Message #442766
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
17-Apr-01 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: Timothy McVeigh
Subject: RE: Timothy McVeigh
See, MT... -I- don't agree that human life -IS- more dear than any other kind of life... That's why for instance, I don't by into the "New Age, Gonna save the planet and all the cute fuzzy animal babies" crap... they don't wanna savethe planet ofr the plantes sake... they wanna save it for thier own sake... and they only wanna save the stuff that they like...

Humans are just another animal on this rock, as much a the whim of nature as most other species... sure we have air conditioning, and paper plates and plastic trees, but that doesn't give us any special standing...

Sure all life is important, but even pods of whales drive out thier own when they are anti-social... some chimps will on occasion, kill and eat each other.. it's the way of the planet... some stuff dies so that other stuff can live...

Just my 0.02 eh... I'm not trying to convince you at all... just sharing different opinions eh...