The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33320   Message #443461
Posted By: GUEST,Bruce O.
18-Apr-01 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Do Physicists Think About? II
Subject: RE: BS: What Do Physicists Think About? II
Yes gnu, and I'm about to give it up for the real thing.

I went on a clean-up rampage about 3 months ago, so I could store more books on folk songs and music and other old songs and music (The next step is to go naked, because my clothes closet is the only space left). I tossed out old notebooks of physics and chem lab experiments, and the lecture notes of Marcell Ries' short course on relativity theory, and the translations of early German articles on quantum mechanics. I kept the more modern works ones on quantum mechanics, chemistry, spectroscopy and math (methods including Fourier transform and convolution theory, polynomial transforms, Shannon's 'Information Theory', 1954, noise in measurments-basically stuff I still use)

Also missing is an old Dover reprint that had translations of Einstein's original articles on Brownian motion (basically the foundations of noise theory), photoelectric effect, and relativity theory, and I don't seem to have anything left on relativity.

I'm soon to be off here for a while, as I'm again a temporarily unretired physicist with an optical design job to do for a high resolution Fourier transform system. The long path absorption cell will be the same as that descibed in paper #53 in the VITA on my website. [Basic design equations are in pper #34.] It's still working beautifully according to the fellow that has it now. We'll just copy it for the new system, and the blue prints are in (ASCII) CAD files already sent. I'm waiting for JEPGs or GIFs of the lab so I see where I have space to put the transfer optics, and design a vacuum tank to put around them. [One on my retired co-workers came back to NIST and stuck up his nose at my White cell. He had gotten excellent data from the one at the Justus Liebig Institute at Giessen. The builder of the one at Giessen told me in an email Monday that she had bigger mirrors, surplus and for free, so she just scaled up my design to fit with their mirrors, even copying my zero astigmatism White cell image arrangement. If B. W. isn't the best in the world in that business, she's probably tied for it. Such is life some times. Some body else gets most of the credit for your work.]