The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33348   Message #444506
Posted By: harpmolly
19-Apr-01 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should women be chained to the stove?
Subject: RE: BS: Should women be chained to the stove?
Well, my roommates have practically taken out a restraining order to prevent me entering the kitchen (the permanent aroma of frozen tater tots and the frequent smoke alarm incidents have convinced them I'm not to be trusted with burner access).

I can make a cup of tea without setting the house on fire.

Just barely.

Thank God my best friend loves to cook fabulous healthy exotic dishes. Thank God, also, for Survivor and the X-Files. Thanks to the convergence of those two circumstances, I'm usually guaranteed a healthy home-cooked meal at least twice a week. I usually chip in by bringing over a key ingredient, a bottle of wine, or something of equal value. :)

Chain me to the stove, go on. if you *like* seeing the skyline in flames. *grin*