The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33362   Message #444819
Posted By: Jenny the T
19-Apr-01 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: No such thing as British...
Subject: RE: BS: No such thing as British...
This discussion is moving in all kinds of directions, but I'll give it a go:

"British" (as in "British Isles") is the adjectival form of the name "Briton." The Britons, who controlled the big island prior to the Saxon invasion (Hengist and Horsa and all that), were a collection of tribes with shifting alliances who constantly warred among themselves.

Although they succeeded in having their name stick to the locale, they were by no means the original inhabitants, as their ancestors were themselves invaders, chasing out the even earlier Bronze Age inhabitants.

When the Saxons came into the picture--first as mercenary allies of one of the minor tribal kingdoms, then as colonists, then as conquerors--the Britons either assimilated into Saxon ways or retreated into defensible wild places.

It's my understanding that Wales and Cornwall contained the last concentrations of Britons, and that the people native to these regions are the closes thing to "original" Brits.

But so what? There ain't no sucha thing as a "racially pure" bloodline. There have been studies showing that the entire human race can be genetically traced to a single ancestor who lived around 4,000 years ago.

Everyone's related, you know?

That's all for me. My brain is now empty (except for the voices, of course)
