The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7359   Message #44483
Posted By: Barbara
06-Nov-98 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Songwriter's Forum
Mmario, I couldn't read this the way you posted it. Are you German? (In the German language all the nouns are capitalized, but not in English.) So I changed it and put the line breaks in. As Shambles just tried to say, that's [br] only with angle brackets instead of square ones.

It's a very romantic song, and perhaps someone with more romantic inclinations than me would like to comment on that part of it. Basically I think this idea of love and marriage sounds very nice if you don't think about it too much, like Hallmark Cards.

I thought at first that it was the wedding song called WHITHER THOU GOEST Are you familiar with that one?

I was a little confused by your last line "Yes, I will be faithful forever if only you'll say I may." I presume you mean "If only you'll say you will marry me" but it sort of sounds like "I'll be faithful if you tell me to."

CHORUS: Whither thou goest, I'll go.
And whither thou stayest, I'll stay.
I'll be your partner forever,
If only you'll say I may.

Put your hand in my hand, dear.
Walk by my side, my love!
We were meant for each other,
Just as the hand fits the glove.
Would that I wake to your beauty
At the dawn of each day;
And I would praise God each evening
If I were permitted to say: CHORUS

With this ring, I would wed thee.
With your ring, make me thine.
But two metal bands about our hands
Are but the outward sign.
The flame of love we have kindled,
May it always shine.
May we always see its light
In each other's eyes. CHORUS

Let us grow old together
United through thick and through thin,
Two made one, forever,
Surrounded by kindred and kin!
I will pledge you my love, dear,
If you will pledge yours mine.
All I have, and all I am,
Are yours for all of time! CHORUS

Yes, I will be faithful forever
If only you'll say I may.