The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33329   Message #445173
Posted By: mousethief
20-Apr-01 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
Subject: RE: Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
American Public Schools are forced (if that's the right word) to teach on the Holocaust several times between 1st and 12th grades. At least if they want to continue to receive Federal funding. Of course that may change with Bush in office; I don't know.

you should know that the public schools in this country dish out all sorts of partial information and call it the totality

Ah but who writes the curriculum? Surely the ADL has some say? I find it nearly impossible to believe that no Jewish agency whatever has any oversight or provides no input concerning the content of the Holocaust units the schools teach.

Peg, what a horrible thing! Holocaust deniers are certainly a breed apart. Of what species, it's hard to guess.

Yes, alas, Adolf can't hold a candle to Stalin for sheer numbers of people destroyed. We're talking factors of at least 3, and maybe 4. But it's all equally heinous and none of it should ever be forgotten.

I'm not sure I could "take" Schindler's list. Like Firecat visiting the concentration camp, I'm afraid of what my nervous system wouldn't be able to handle.
