The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33396   Message #445924
Posted By: GUEST,
21-Apr-01 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: Help: Effect of Famine on Irish Folk Music
Subject: RE: Help: Famine
a couple I can think of are Praties they grow small, and Dan O'Hara. I imagine the praties are in the search area...don't know about Dan O'Hara. I am sure they were written far after. One thing I heard on a very nice Irish Rovers special...the liked to have a fiddler on the "coffin ships" because it kept more people alive. Not that they cared per se probably, but they could walk themselves off the ship if they were alive and it was probably just all around easier. Also, I have heard that the reason so many were able to come here (and how did starving people get enough money to just doesn't make sense...they had nothing...) was because they were used for ballast that could walk themselves on and off the ships. My great grandmother came over at the age of seven all by herself. Never heard from any of her family again. How she managed heaven knows. She became a maid for the Taft family and one of the Taft young men wanted to marry her. mg