The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33493   Message #446621
Posted By: wysiwyg
22-Apr-01 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Add: Green Pastures
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Add: GREEN PASTURES
Oh I have several approaches I am considering to this one, I just am not done working it over to work for us.

BTW harp, "Missy" is in church every Saturday night, leading the music. In our denomination, Sunday AM starts Saturday evening for vigils, holy days, and so on, and a lot of churches (Episcopal and RC) have Saturday Night masses for the weekly service, for a variety of reasons. Ours is one started in response to the church's realization that the two Sunday AM serives did not meet some folks' needs and rather than change what was working so well for the large Sunday contingents, best to start a new service, and guess what? Church growth...

As far as the verse differences there-- they both make sense. I am not sure who folk-processed what, when. One of the things that caught my attention about this phrasing though (and other parts of the words too) is that it allows an ambiguous door-opening to what some people see as Eastern spiritualities.

See what I'se seein' there, anyone? *G*

BTW Charley, you reminded me to go look in Southern Harmony for GP, and I didn;t find it, but I did get lost there finding some other new stuff... *G*G*

Harp, I guess you will have to come sing it with me. You can pick the melody and I'll blast away at the rhythm. Which line do you want to sing? I wanna be Ricky, but up way high; wanna be Emmy? Then we can take off from there and go wherever it leads.... get a band... come on, ya know ya wanna.... we'll stop by for anyone else who wants to join the Green Pastures Band... get RM and his 53missus... swing by for Charley.... who else? Hardi and Sorcha can fid-duel...
