The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33362   Message #446668
Posted By: cait
22-Apr-01 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: No such thing as British...
Subject: mcgrath...
maybe 'caucasian' isn't correct...i was trying to avoid using the term 'white'...i mean that the brits have instituted shades of prejudice within its own 'causasian' ethnicity, as well as towards causasian ehtnicities outside its borders (all the 'pink bits'). i'm not addressing british prejudices towards people of other 'color', 'race', 'ethnicity' or whatever politically correct term is fashionable or least offensive to those people, not at this time.

of course racism is not a british preserve, but it makes me larf to hear how 'polite' the brits are. they're hardly civil to one another within their own country, let alone to others living or visiting there. that's why i replied to malcolm.

being 'reserved' hardly equals 'civil', it's closer to 'retentive'.

i've been informed (by polite brits) that no american could possibly be equal in social standing (whatever that is) to any brit by dint of being a yank in the first place...this belief, whether politely withheld or openly expressed, is hardly the basis of truly polite regard. it's the basis of haughtiness and arrogance. being oh so civil while holding the deep belief that one's class, 'race' or culture is ultimately superior isn't, either.

i suggest that tolerance of difference is the basis of the only truly polite behavior towards others. when the brits achieve this, i'll be the first to say they are the most advanced people on earth.