The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32483   Message #446899
Posted By: wysiwyg
22-Apr-01 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: MudGather N. Central PA April 27-30
Subject: RE: MudGather N. Central PA April 27-30
Because you did not invite "them" to the Shanty Sing in time. *G*G*


ARRIVALS. I think people will be arriving starting late Friday afternoon all the way through late Friday evening, and Saturday AM to noonish. (And Peg may get here Saturday evening for a bit.) It would help to know your plans, but even if you don;t know ahead of time--COME.

PARKING. The house has a horseshoe driveway that wraps around and behind the house. It is suggested that you PULL IN in the eastward or LOWER end of this, because parking will be along the westward or upper end. Please pull up as far as you can and off to the right of the drive (half on the grass) so that people can get by in the drive as needed. If this space is full, the whole inner side of the horseshoe can be used. If this is full, please pull in to unload through the front door, and then plan on being directed to nearby parking. Please do NOT park in the little triangle of grass behind the house in front of the corncrib-- that will be campfire space if weather permits, and maybe tenting space. Please also do NOT park in the ruts that lead off back toward the barn-- that is a working barn, and a tractor runs there.

FOOD. Hardi and I will do up dutch oven stews for all-evening eating on Friday, so hungry arrivals can be welcomed properly. (One meat, one veg) What we would appreciate people bringing would be either: easy fingerfoods for snacking, sandwich stuff, fruit, or salad materials, AND something to throw into the pot for Saturday night's stewpot, or to grill, AND a breakfast item to share. IF IT IS BAD WEATHER, we will move a lot of the activities to the church-- and that has a commercial stove with huge double ovens, so if you watch the weather before deciding what to bring we should have fine eatin'. Dessert is pretty much handled. (Please contact me if you have a specialty in that department.)

ALCOHOL. As I said earlier, this is up to you, and you should feel free to bring what you like. The spaces available are more than big enough that if anyone is uncomfortable in either direction, we can have more than one party going on! But please, remember this is rough territory for driving.

SMOKING. We don't, but are not bothered by it. If no one is bothered by the smoke, we will not ask you to step outside to smoke. Bring an ashtray!

LOCAL PLAYERS. I do not know how many people from this area will be here, or what their skills will be. Some of them I am expecting will be counting on a little friendly help with songcircle manners and jamming skills. I have invited a few who know Hardi professionally (town optometrist, lawyer, etc.-- not more clergy) who do not really play yet but would like to. I have promised them they will not be put on the spot to play, so be nice! On the other hand, some local bluegrass pro's may show up too.

I have not invited anyone I think would be offended by whatever kind of music we end up playing, or singing. In other words, though Burke may present some Sacred Harp material, I have not invited the whole county's Christian music contingent!

SATURDAY NIGHT. You must know by now about our Saturday Night church service. Attendance (and/or joining me in leading the music) is entirely optional. If you are planning to attend, or unsure, you need to know that it is not like any church service you have ever attended, because it does not feel like "church," and there is no dressing up for it allowed! It is, however, a communion service. This means, in our denomination, that anyone who has been baptized (ever) is welcome to receive communion if they desire, when that part of the service comes, but you are free to abstain as well.

Music planned for the service so far includes Farther Along as the opening hymn, Green Pastures as the closing, and some praiseful stuff in the middle, probably chosen at the last minute depending on who is playing along with us. I asked Peg to do an offertory with me but if she is not here or does not wish to, that will be up for grabs too and maybe Mmario will provide.

We head over to set up for church at about 5 PM, and quickly run through the evening's music.

I think it is very likely that some of the congregation may be comfortable staying for some more singing if pickers feel like sticking around picking. I thought we would just see what happens. This does not have to involve hymn-singing either, if we end up hanging around-- although it ought to stay kid-friendly clean in the earlier hours!

Extra-warm clothes, so we can have campfire singing
Sleeping bag and pillows
Towel & washcloth
Folding chair (just in case)
A gallon of drinking water (just in case)
A roll of TP (to donate to the cause)
Beverage of choice
Food (as above)

SLEEPING SPACE. Night temps here have been as low as upper 20's in the last week, and as high as upper 40's. The house will be warm. We have down comforters and extra-warm, polyfill mummy bags if anyone who insists on tenting is not warm enough. I have enough indoor sleeping space for everyone I THINK is coming. If we get too full we will just have to send a few over to the church, and Hardi has a sleeping room there that is pretty nice too.

Upstairs electricity is a bit limited at the moment with fire damage to the system leaving some lines still un-reconnected. Please see me before plugging in anything. There will be lights and candles but not the best bedtime reading or hairdryer power!

BATHROOMS. We have one downstairs with a working shower, and one upstairs without a working shower. I am not concerned about the septic system's capacity, but the hot water heater is small. If there is a crowd, please be considerate about when you shower, and for how long.

DRINKING WATER. Our house has a well and as spring, and the supply is from one or the other depending on season and conditions. They are both drinkable but if your palate and gut are not accustomed to country water, you may be in for a surprise. We use this water mostly for cooking and washing. ALL HOUSE DRINKING WATER is brought in from a nearby fresh spring, and my delicate stomach has never had a problem with it. There will be plenty on hand. But if you are concerned, you may want to bring along a gallon of whatever drinking water you are accustomed to.

RECYCLING. You need to know now that recycling in the country includes burning just about everything. If this is a concern for you, please do not dispose of any plastic here-- pack it out or it will eventually be toast.

RECREATION. Tioga County is beautiful. I hope you will get a chance to see some of our lakes, parks, and driving scenery. There are also working dairy farms here, and if you have never seen how milk is obtained, you can, here. Just let me know.

We may set up the telescope and see if it got warped in the fire, too. It actually gets DARK here. Not right here-- we have farm floodlights. But we know where...

See me for appropriate cow-tipping field trip locations. Maybe we can settle this important Mudcat debate for good!

JUG MILK ANYONE? It's pasteurized, but so fresh you can hear the cow mooing. I believe The Farmer in the Dell (in Mansfield) still has hormone-free cows in the barn that adjoins and supplies their jug milk and ice cream stand. This is the best milk I have ever tasted.... and fresh cream will no doubt have been bought for our coffee. You may want to bring a cooler so you can pack some jug milk or fresh cream to take home. If so, please bring empty containers-- they keep the glass jugs local whenever they can. (We have a few containers to give away too.)

