The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33288   Message #446974
Posted By: GUEST,djh
22-Apr-01 - 09:13 PM
Thread Name: Timothy McVeigh
Subject: RE: Timothy McVeigh
Maybe I shouldn't even continue this thread it has gone on long enough, but-
This thread has been alternatingly enlightened and then frightening.
The things a society values are engrained in it's people. Everyone has experienced culture shock at some point while encountering seemingly odd ,sometimes unsettling, attributes of another culture. Some cultures think a dog should never be in the house unless it's on the dinner table. (gasp)I Love my dog, he is family!Cannibals ,headhunters, and mobsters are not viewed as barbaric by each other.
Children of abusive parents are statistically more likely to become abusive parents themselves.
A fool gives full vent to his rage, the wise man holds back.
Voilence begets voilence
Tommorrow starts where today left off.
If you don't want to live in a voilent culture- don't condon voilence. That especially includes voilence on the part of the state. There will still be TMs and Ted Bundy's, But, it will be a gentler society as a whole and YOU WON'T HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS.
I sympathize with those who have lost and have to do battle with their pain and rage over the cruelty inflicted by TM. I pray they find peace. Society should be seeking peace as a whole, and that should include ending the voilence.- DJH