The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31373   Message #447176
Posted By: Wolfgang
23-Apr-01 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2

if you come by train: Take either bus #2 or bus #10 just outside of the main entrance of the station (same side as the station, not opposite). Say 'Dechanei Strasse' to the driver and you'll get a ticket for a short ride. Leave at 'Dechanei Strasse' and Wiener Str. starts just at the opposite side of the street where you left the bus. You'll have a walk of 200 m.

if you come by plane: At Muenster/Osnabrueck airport you'll take the bus to Muenster Main Station and once there you'll proceed as above.

if you come by car and come from the (South)West or South: in both cases at the Autobahn 'crossing' 'Münster Süd' you follow the sign to Muenster and drive straight on even if the Autobahn has finished. The street you'll drive in will be called 'Weseler Str.' and follow it all the time (signposts: 'Centrum') until you see at the left hand side a MacDonald's 'restaurant'.
At the second red light after this unusual sighting you'll turn right (follow sign 'Bielefeld'). If you are now in 'Moltkestr.' you are still doing fine. You'll come then to the only roundabout in Muenster and take the second exit (still sign 'Bielefeld' I guess) (the British friends doing the roundabout clockwise take the 4th exit).
If you are now in 'Hafenstr.' you're doing fine and follow this street (it often turns slightly left for you are on the ring around Muenster center) with all its name changes (after Hafenstr. all names end with 'Ring' whatever comes first.
After about 2 km on this ring there'll be a big hospital at the right hand side and you'll take the next turn right (it'll be signposted 'Bielefeld' again, but be careful, for 'Bielefeld' has been signposted to the right before, so actually you follow this time 'Bielefeld' only at the second chance to do it). If you are now in 'Warendorfer Str.' you are doing fine, if you are in 'Wolbecker Str.' turn round and try again.
Assuming you are in Warendorfer Str. you now take the third turn left ('Gerhardstr.'; attention, a very small street in a slight left turn), immediately turn left again ('Egbertstr.') and then right ('Wiener Str.') and look for a parking place.

if you come by car and come from the North: you'll leave the Autobahn at 'Greven' (the sign directly at the exit says also 'M$uuml;nster Ost') and head for Muenster. The street is all way long 'Schiffahrter Damm' for about 12 km. You follow this street with all it's turns and when you reach Muenster you still drive on for another 2 km. Immediately after a level railway crossing (disregard all other railway crossings before like e.g. when you are on a bridge across the railway, wait for the level crossing). You'll be in 'Ostmark Str.' now and Wiener Str. will be the third street left.

MAPS: As for the general approach to Muenster look here

As for an interactive street map click here.

General timetable (open to suggestions):

Saturday, 5th of May, early afternoon: Meeting at Wiener Str. 24
late afternoon (4pm): Guided walk through Muenster
early evening (6 - 7 pm): eating out at a restaurant downtown (German?, Scottish?)
later evening (from 8 pm): Music session (at the spare room of a pub or at my place or in my garden, weather permitting)

Everthing else like shopping (Saturday morning, monday morning?), another walk (Sunday morning) will be organised on spot.

I'd love to get more or less final feedback who is coming and when. As I said in another post, if you are already here on Friday night, don't hesitate to give me a call.
