The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31373   Message #447183
Posted By: Wolfgang
23-Apr-01 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
Individual feedbacks or questions:

- the best record shop in town has closed 2 weeks ago. I have no idea yet which place has now anything close to folk music. I'll try to find out until then. (Susanne: Nottuln folkshop has only open the second Saturday in May, hasn't it, or do you think they'd make an exception for a bunch of folkies???)

- There is a shop with music books downtown, not bad, but not specialised in folk

- all shops for food or similar things (Eric: tobacco) are at walking distance from me (shops will close at about Saturday 2pm and be not open on Sunday)

- Menzze: I can imagine how awful it is to take the wrong means of transport, for I'd hate to take the car for such a long distance. Give taking the train another thought.

- directions where we are (if not at my place) will be pinned at my door, so any listeners from whereever should be able to find their way.

- prices might be a bit cheaper than in Great Britain, but not much.

- Eric: 500 g of coffee cost from 5 to 10 DM, with 8 DM being a good guess. BTW, do you really mean 'coke pipe tocacco' or am I misreading? Pipe tobacco varies a lot in prices, 10 to 15 DM for 100 g is my guess, but I'm a nonsmoker since 15 years. I've no idea about prices for chips (do you mean a deep frieds or in which state).

- there is everything to drink at German pubs not just alcoholic drinks.

- the British might consider buying the cheap Scottish malt whisies over here.
