The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32483   Message #447307
Posted By: wysiwyg
23-Apr-01 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: MudGather N. Central PA April 27-30
Subject: RE: MudGather N. Central PA April 27-30
I really should ask Jackie if her parents' RV is still sitting in her driveway, and if she'd like to pull it over here. I know some of you would like to pretend you are on a tour bus.... heck, I would! Get me a feather boa...

bURKE, I think 15 will be fine and I'd like to suggest you contact MaryMac to see what she might be prepared to help present as far as parts.

I think Mmario shall be our barometer on the CD questions-- YES! (I think he's excited about this weekend just a little bit! Me too, me too!)

MORE INFO. A Mudcatter with health problems will be attending and has asked for a quiet spot out back, which I think is quite do-able as long as we all respect the need for "space." Please, if you have any needs healthwise yourself, let me know. We have "retreat" capabilities here if that's what you need, at this Gathering or any time.

