The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33471   Message #448107
Posted By: GUEST,in room 325 of the Motel 6
24-Apr-01 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: Where is 'Caucasia'?
Subject: RE: Where is 'Caucasia'?
In another thread on April 19, Alex/Mousethief, the self-proclaimed, "white male...Christian," said, and I quote, "I'm no Jew."

On April 23, in this thread, he said, "If you were about to argue with me on this point, Get real. Get a life. Or just drop dead. Thanks."

Based on the things he says, I'll concede that he is most certainly a "white male." However, Christians do not tell people with whom they disagree to "drop dead."

Alex/Mousethief is a liar when he proclaims himself to be a "Christian."