The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33362   Message #448617
Posted By: GUEST,Brendy must be a little kid?
24-Apr-01 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: No such thing as British...
Subject: RE: BS: No such thing as British...
If you'd attended a National School when they walloped the idealistic Gaelic twaddle of De Valera etc into poor underfed children you'd have a right to cuss, especially when you would know that many of these children ended up on the Boat, if you know what that meant. I suppose the Parents got the Leaving Certificate = A ONE WAY TICKET TO LONDON E_N_G_L_A_N_D. Then when in this new country what did the school teachers think of the little Gaelic scholar? Hey they did not even ask. It was and it remains a minority language TG - I shudder to think what young emigrant woul've had to edure if they were Gaelic Speakers as you idealists want them to be. It was a waste of time in most cases and a crime against those thousands of emigrants who had to endure it.

But then perhaps you are just a flame fisher -

It is much the same misery that I beg modern Plaid Cymru to avoid, sure lets try to revive it BUT NOT BY MAKING IT THE BARRIER TO GETTING AN EDUCATION CERT or JOB! That kind of stupidity leads to a resentment.

I learned more Gaelic in one day with a native speaker on a building site in England than all the freakin junk I did in NS. At least he could speak it properly unlike the Teacher who could not! Now there is another beef I have and darnit I am mad about it too, why send a 'certified' teacher who was not a native into a class in the first place? Ireland, land of exams and paper! BS - fill your values here LOL.

The idea of some hoss of a woman bearing down on a little kid with 'cunas ' at max volume still gives me nightmares geeez.

I am for Britain because it makes sense - and besides I love all the different things there, like Newcastle Brown Ale, Soda Bread etc etc. To seperate it up into little fiefdoms of different languages, where will that end? The O'Grumpies on one side of a river throwing rocks at the LaGrotties on the other, while they have not even one shared word to work out their problems?