The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33588   Message #449362
Posted By: Mad Maudlin
25-Apr-01 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jedi religion: what unclean beasts?
Subject: RE: BS: Jedi religion: what unclean beasts?
Darth Caitrin: Hmmm, I *love* Turkey Turd! We drink that a lot, here on Corellia... *burp* Don't know about the other Rebels, though, maybe those little sissies don't know what good beer is...

Naemanson, okay, nice try. But I think I'll make you my sacred animal nevertheless. If only for your poetry. :-) And I'll help you fight Darth Sweeney Todd - just keep him at bay until the batteries of his lightrazor run out. I saw him buy those cheap ones, so it must only be a matter of minutes. Shaving a Mudwookie's could he!