The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32564   Message #450199
Posted By: Greyeyes
26-Apr-01 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The World is Old (Laurence Housman)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE WORLD IS OLD (Laurence Housman)^^
Here are the words transcribed from The English Carol Book. If anyone would like a scan can they PM me an e-mail address.

Words by Laurence Housman
Music by Joseph Moorat

The world is old to-night,
The world is old;
The stars around the fold
Do shine there their light.
And so they did, and so,
A thousand years ago,
And so will do, dear love,
When you lie cold.

The world is still to-night,
The world is still;
The snow on vale and hill
Like wool lies white.
And so it was, and so,
A thousand years ago,
And so will do, dear lads,
When we lack will.