The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33667   Message #450286
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Apr-01 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to Keep a Healthy Level of Insanity
Subject: RE: BS: How to Keep a Healthy Level of Insanity
Hesperis frequently skips in public, so it's a sore point with her...she is unafraid to do all kinds of lighthearted things in public that most adults are too inhibited to do.

Now here are a couple I do. When you have that half second of warning that you're about to sneeze, give it all you've got when the sneeze gets there. A full-throated screeching bellow of a sneeze will not only clear your nasal passages and clear out all those nasty negative feelings that sometimes build up through the will also drive other people nuts, if they're the nervous type. The kind of sneeze I'm talking about should be loud enough to make a potted plant sway, and a sleeping dog leap 3 feet straight up in the air.


God, that felt good!

Here's another one I used to do: When driving down any handy small street somewhere, grin like a total idiot at pedestrians who are walking the opposite way. It really gives 'em the creeps! (Warning: don't do this in your own neighbourhood...or word will get around, and people will start spreading malicious rumours about you.)'s a good one...act like Spaw, dress like Spaw, talk like the idea? Need I say more?

- LH