The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33362   Message #450625
Posted By: GUEST,pOoR OuLd BrEnDy -
27-Apr-01 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: No such thing as British...
Subject: RE: BS: No such thing as British...
Bar man give Mr Brendy whatever he likes, rosin, strings or a new Tune Book, Song Book. Me I would like a large glass of Brown Ale,

Ain't it funny how the vanquished always cry foul at each and every little thing? King Nial the Stupid of Leinster invited the English to help him kill his own country men, that Mr Brendy was how the first English forces arrived in Ireland. Strong Bow, gave his name to that fine poor mans wine easlily found in any OffLic storer in your town, Cider.


Like I keep reminding you as soon as the unifying British leave the eeejits begin. Look at the civil war, it's foul stench still hanging around today. You may think it bad to be a minority in the North, what about the minority in the South? Seems to me that in either case we are going backwards not forwards. Have you ever talked to any of these great 'new' Irish? What amazes me is their haste to emotion, bigoted attitudes and may God help the person who gets in their way.

The Very Reverend Ian.

Last I heard he had become so Irish he could easily oust the O'Realythickos by simply announcing he had taken over, didn't some community in the south offer him a crown for their fledgling Clan revival?

The Orange Order, well darn it Brendy am I not completely absent minded? They defended the Planters from the recently dispossesed Irish. Or so the history books tell us. They now claim to be the defenders of Democracy an new twist on an old tale. They too have been Irishified complete with drunk eeejits jumping around on July 12th all over the North.

The problem with modern Ireland is it's inability to admit it was invaded, planted, and civilised by the English , I suspect if it did there would be no Northern Ireland but one Democratic country.

On the local level the disease is selfsupporting, there are folks there who never left their own little town making decisions that reach out all over the world to the Irish Diaspora. They celebrate their OWN clan, they get jobs fixed for their OWN relatives, they bend the rules toward their OWN clan. They discriminate against anyone not of their own clan, they have a pecking order of who will be next in line for all the perks that influence brings. As a result any person not born to the right parent in Ireland will never have a life unless, like my family did, they leave. Not only that the long and evil reach of the McFixits reaches out over the globe and the eeejits continue to steal from their own people!

How they took over. After they let Collins win the war against the English, they - eeeejits - shot him dead. So not only are they eeejits they are backshooting cowards as well.

Nowadays their chief claim to fame is the 'Mericanization of Ireland'. Brendy they destroyed Collins' Ireland one morning in a Hotel in Florida, or was it Washington, in 1982 or was it 83, when the let the Mercans have the Republic for a few million dollars. They sold us down the river. Other countries acquired by the same means are - Indonesia, Korea, and lately Argentina, and soon the UK itself.

The English and Bullying. I do not argue that point, it is part of being invaded and planted. Do you think the Irish or should I say the Scoti were kissyface and huggyletsmake friends to the natives of the Highlands? No Sir the invaded by the sword and shoved Gaelic down the throats of those unfortunate people. The Victor takes all, but as YOU know the English were not half as nasty as the Scoti! The Scoti never bullied they simply chooped yer head off if you disobeyed them. Swift and instant assimilation lol.

The facts now make the entire island of Ireland by race and language British but some of the people there do not accept it, they are deluding themselves, they are mad Brendy, the Irish disease -False Identity Syndrome. Does Mr Paisley say he is Scottish? GAWD HELP BONNIE SCOTLAND There are folk in the North who call themseves ScotIrish. They are mongrel British dawgs drunk on clean Irish air and Bushmills and/or Guinness.

Maybe you should apply that critical mind to Logic and Information Technology instead of contributing to the rape of Erin by the cultural eeejits who have turned into an international 24 hour 365 days a year session? Now that I am really mad about it I hasten to add the new masters are not fiddling as Ireland goes down the tubes AGAIN but busy buying up the real estate and working to totally enslave ALL the people including you.