The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7359   Message #45093
Posted By: Neillowe
12-Nov-98 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: Songwriter's Forum
Subject: RE: Songwriter's Forum

I liked your lyrics. Kinda reminded me of the reflective, introverted stuff Tori Amos is famous for (and if you're not particularly a fan of her music no offense was implied).

And regarding your comment about the nature of the muse: my experience has been the songs that seem to write themselves are the ones that turn out the best. Makes me think that I'm just the medium, the tool of a force in nature what subjugates my will to its own, and I am awestruck and humbled by its presence (Insert some sort of mystical theme music here). The ones I hammer out word by word sound like they've been hammered out word by word, re: garbage.

May all the muse's visits to you be so pleasant.

