The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32191   Message #451559
Posted By: Charley Noble
29-Apr-01 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: Portland ME ChantySing II
Subject: RE: Portland ME ChantySing II
"Crew to man a 122' 18 gun Sq.Topsail Schooner the LYNX to be launched in ME this Summer."
What! Who's doing this? Is this reality or some more wistful thinking? Come on, Uncle Jaque, bring back at least a copy of the flier. I have this vision of all these folk singers and aspiring shantysingers all lined up, donkey's breakfast over their shoulders, striped jerseys, sea chests full of Nutri-grain, concertinas, trying to convince the mate and captain that they should be signed on. Reminds me of the old riddle: how many shantymen does it take to change a sail?