The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33738   Message #452234
Posted By: Barry Finn
30-Apr-01 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: The Songs Writ for our Kids
Subject: RE: The Songs Writ for our Kids
Not close to lullabyes, more about the hurt & the heartake suffered in silence.

I'm The Bully, (words & tune by Barry Finn)

Oh how I love to stalk the weakling
Or the outcast or the lame
Give me a nerd, a geek or a loner
These unfit pre I'll treat the same

CHORUS: I'm the bully, you're my victum
I need the practice you need the pain
I'm the bully you're my victum
I know my game you'll get the blame

A shove on the stairs when no ones watching
A whisper of terror that none will hear
At a hundred paces I still can strike you
And keep it up year after year


I'll chase you out of a crowed schoolyard
I'll ban you rom the public park
Ypo'll have no friends & no companions
You'll only have a broken heart


I'll get others to gang up on you
The more I get the worst you'll look
When you finally fight back I've turned the tables
You're on my turf now & I wrote the book


You can cry for help & beg for mercy
And tell the world just what I've done
It doesn't matter how it get started
Cause in the end most times I've won



You Wouldn't Know It To Look At Me by Barry Finn Tune: Australian, Trad. "One Of The Has Beens")

"You're not listening to me are you deaf in both ears. Don't you see what you've caused, have you been blind all these years. Could you just give an answer, so I know you're not dumb. For Christ's sake, you bird brain has a cat got your tongue"?

Chorus: I'm as cute as any other kid, I can run, jump & shout. You wouldn't know it to look at me, At times I can't work things out. I'm not stupid, I'm not lazy, I try very hard. With a little compassion I could go pretty far.

Well, school is a torture, the teasing won't quit. My thoughts go off track and my aide has a fit. There are some things I excel in, so much that I'm bored, You wouldn't know it to look at me, it takes all that I'm worth.

The kids scorn & laugh at me, I don't have a friend. You can feel my heart break, I wonder when this will end. The mistreatment & abuse I take, it's really a crime, But I'm told to ignore it, though it happens all of the time. Chorus: I know it's hard on my family, I can't change a thing. The aunts & uncles blame it on my folks & say it's poor upbringing. The love & affection others get all the time, I only hear people yell at me, when I ask where is mine.

I never feel comfort, no shoulder, no hug. A system to support me, was pulled out like a rug. If you can't understand this, you may be worse off than me But I won't hold it against you cause you're deaf & can't see. Chorus: I may be mildly autistic or just plain O.C.D. I may twitch with Tourette's, or have A.D.D. If you see me cross my eyes, instead of my T's You wouldn't know it to look at me that I have special needs. Chorus:

Copyright Barry Finn 1998